The total amount for the 4 items is now sitting at $ 729, which converts to R 5 322! I hope my article helped a bit to create awareness not only about the bid, but also the charity to which the money will be donated!
Gillette – Fusion
Since I started using the Gillette Fusion, with the vibrating head, I have ever looked back and never had a problem with bad skin. Well okay, everyone get the occasional guy popping up here and there but that for me usually after trance parties or a few days of binge dopping!
The end of an era…LOL
We thought it would be a while before this Ridge-back got locked down again after he got Shell shocked, not only by Kinnear!
Tabasco Sauce – What is it about this stuff?
Seeing as though I studied marketing, I look at brands as a whole and if you think the quality stops with the product, you’re WRONG! Tabasco’s print adverts are second to none and although very simple, the design and message is extremely clear – An explosion of flavour!
Humerous @ Mafia Dance 100% UNofficial Cancellation Party
My boy Humerous who I recently interviewed on the blog will be playing some progressive beats sometime during the evening! Check out his interview in the music and media archives in my blog for links to his Facebook fan page and Soundcloud page where you can download some of his mixes 😉
Jean Paul Gaultier – The Firepower!!!
I was thinking I use perfume every time I go out and without a doubt this shit is the best money can buy. If you don’t believe me go to Edgars, put some on from the free trials bottles and go get some female opinions.
Nike Holland Football Memorabilia Auction
Tweet A friend of mine who works for Grass Roots Soccer has got his hands on some awesome stuff that he is auctioning off in an attempt to raise money for boys from his project, The Homestead. They have erected a 3g, artificial grass pitch in Khayelitsha and run a league every Friday evening and […]
Save The Beach Hotel – This Aint Trash…
A programme run to help save one of Europe’s beaches a year, whilst also sending a message about their current state. This year the Save The Beach initiative collected 12 tons of trash off European beaches and built a pop-up Hotel from it!
Review – K53 Learners Licence
But I must say the Gallows Hill Traffic Team were great and everything went along smoothly. The most entertaining thing for me was the big, blonde chick who went jumping around and shouting after she passed…on the 4th try!