Please do us a favour and vote for my bra Calvin so that he can finally stop using hoses, press stick, pens, his moms sieve, chopsticks to clean the down pipe and his t-shirt to clean the resin from his bek. Follow the link
The Village – TW of the week goes to option 8
Here is a congrats to Gerald, who appeared in option 8 with his bra, as he is the first winner of the TW of the week competition. Gerald wins two 6 packs of Bavaria non-alcoholic Apple malt Beer! Let me know how we can get your prize to you brother, respect.
Movember – Competition Time
I know my pops definitely donned a stache when he was a lietjie, but I guess that was in the 60’s so it was definitely more normal back then! But I am far from normal so what the hell I might just give it a go.
Tyron Rogoyski for the face of Markhams 2010
I am almost 99% sure that his chick Tara entered him into this competition, because in all honesty I can’t picture Tyron entering himself…Anyway, please vote for him to win this damn competition because he is still in Matric, drinks vodka bombs at Castle Bar with me (because we poor) and I am sure will do wonders for his image in the public eye.
Vizeum drives off with BMW
Vizeum SA will focus their attention on media strategy, planing and buying. This comes as no surprise to me as many companies now prefer to do business with one client that can handle all of the necessary work, rather than splitting it between a few smaller entities.
Men are from Bars, Women are from Venus.
The funny part is, when I opened the second picture which revealed the spoof, I noticed my partner in crime, Bavaria Premium Beer inside the hard cover book ๐
Liv Tyler – Hulk, Lord of the Rings & G-Star Model
I have always been a fan of Liv Tyler and was reminded about this magnificent piece of work only days ago, when I caught a glimpse of her on an old classic, Empire Records.
Superior Service – That’s me
Basically this post is to brag about the email I got yesterday from a client that DID NOT book with us, but was overwhelmed by the amazing, superior service. I took a screen shot to show you just how delighted she was ๐