Tweet One of the top house music magicians in the Cape Town scene, Ian Skene, has just dropped this sick ass Peaky Blinders August Mix! It’s up for download and all 50 minutes of it are perfect to warm you up for the weekend ahead! Download and enjoy homies. Whose SKENE for a jol tonight? […]
NEW Pascal&Pearce Tracks (Preview)

Tweet In my opinion the top producers in their genre from SA, Pascal & Pearce have been cooking up some new heat for their fans! Here are 3 brand new tracks they have been working on, and, have decided to share with you! My favourite is To The Top, have a listen for FREE and […]
Die Antwoord: Pitbull Terrier [video]

Tweet I was deciding whether to chill on the couch and work from my phone, or, upload the new Die Antwoord – Pitbull Terrier music video that’s just been released… The weird and pretty darn right fucked up duo being from South Africa, I thought why the hell not? The track is pretty crap, as […]
SILO – Suntribe Summer Mix 2013

Tweet I have seen this mix floating around the interwebs and 22 minutes in, this banger is screaming Summer at me! Nothing better than a fresh, progressive psy mix to kick in that Summer feeling. It also features my mate David Miller aka Humerous, with his first release alongside Zezia! I have included the full […]
Die Antwoord – Fatty Boom Boom [new]

Tweet Die Antwoord never seem to amaze me with their music video’s… Once again they have blown this one out the water with their latest release, Fatty Boom Boom! Yes they are ripping off Lady Gaga, the same chick they refused to open for after calling her music “weak, superficial shit”. The hyena’s eating from […]
PH FAT – Dinosaur Blood (Commercial Hippies RMX)

Tweet I just had a listen to some of the new Commercial Hippies tracks on Soundcloud and they aren’t too shabby. I thought I would share them with you to have a listen, only one was left available for download which is a pity. Still worth a listen and I would dig to hear your […]
Pixel Pop – Hard As Fuck Mixtape [vol 2]

Tweet I am a massive fan of Haezer style hard electro and this guy has been catching my eye of late! I put up his last mix tape after hearing it and after seeing the response I thought I would share this one with you too. You can catch him playing in Stellies mainly, although I have […]
Saint Pauli – Breakin (HAEZER RMX)

Tweet I just spotted a Tweet from @HAEZER with a link to this new track he has just uploaded… It’s a remix of Saint Pauli’s – Breakin and definitely hits the spot if you are an electro fan! It is unfortunately not downloadable, so you are going to have to keep the link top of […]
The Last LABYRINTH Of Winter Season [closed]

Tweet It is that time again… With the outdoor parties just around the corner, the Winter indoor goes into a slight hibernation. I see the Psynopticz guys will be doing their old trusted Thursdays nights again at The Side Show through season for the die hard’s though! But this Saturday we see the final Labyrinth of the Winter, with their […]
MK TV: Music Video Project Top 12

Tweet This year marks the third year that the MK Music Video Project has been running, and it has grown immensely since its inception in 2010. “This year we had almost double the amount of submissions for the MVP when compared to last year’s submissions, which shows us that those within the industry value the […]