As you know by now Humerous is not only a close bra of mine, but also an utter beast on the decks. He is playing alongside some other proper smashers, including the likes of Xatrix and Zion Linguist…
JamDay – Beneath The Winter Moon

JamDay are apparently a sick, up and coming progressive psy trance group, which you will be hearing a bit more about in the near future! Enjoy…
Strain – Beartrap Productions

We strained his brain and got some idea of this new beasts past, inspiration, best songs, his mix from Beartrap and more…Watch this space!!!
Deleriant vs Shift – The Fourth Dimension

A South African great and a splendid young talent have come together to send chills down our spines. If you got ‘hosh trance’ this would be it! Teaser…
Alien Safari | Flying Circus – By DJ Humerous

Sitting in Woodstock at my mates on Saturday, thinking about not going to the party. The venue looked amazing from pictures on face book, but it was yet another far drive, but that didn’t faze because if I decided to go, I wasn’t going to be driving 😉
Vortex 4th of Dezembah – One To Remember By DJ Humerous

Shot for the wirte-up Dave. Legend my man, we are going to Alien brasse this weekend boy 😉
The Village – TW of the week goes to option 8

Here is a congrats to Gerald, who appeared in option 8 with his bra, as he is the first winner of the TW of the week competition. Gerald wins two 6 packs of Bavaria non-alcoholic Apple malt Beer! Let me know how we can get your prize to you brother, respect.
Equinox – Labyrinth goes outside

It is no secret that trance music and outdoor parties have grown substantially over the past 5 years and I think Labyrinth have done well to get on the band wagon at the right time. Music determines where people party and if Equinox in collaboration with Labyrinth is providing music for both of these crowds, they might just reap the rewards of listening to what consumers want and watching local music trends.
Interview – DJ Humerous

I have loved music all my life. Ended School and didn’t know what to do, so I decided to do a Sound Engineering Degree at Cape Audio College. I passed and said I’m ready to take on the sound industry.