Tweet The main man in his category of music in my eyes SIBOT performed at The Assembly on the 18th of November! There is no denying this oke has some serious fucking skill behind the decks and in the studio. Not only is this guy unique but he has been blowing the roof of places […]
Rikkis Taxis & The Assembly Launch Free Ride Card

Driving always seems to be a problem when you drink the amounts that my mates do when we go out. @RikkisTaxis have teamed up with @Assembly_ct to not only ensure that you get to and from the jol safely, but also provide a little incentive for people to use this means of transport…
Necro – King of Death Rap @ The Assembly

Necro is one of the most vile, sick, disturbed, cruel, disgusting, rampant and vulgar rappers in the game today. In my eyes his sifness is only matched by the wise words of Immortal Technique, whilst both have a lot of sense in those demented brains of theirs!