Tweet Not a bad one to make your last outdoor of the season now is it? The last Organik I went to was pretty damn sick, and, had that old school more intimate feel to the party. Buy the ticket, take the ride – LOVE Project! Put next weekend, 11 May in your psy diary, […]
WIN Tickets To Jungala Festival (closed)

Tweet It’s just over a week now until the much awaited Jungala Festival 2013 featuring MENOG, FREAKULIZER, SIDHARTHA and KHAINZ, the Internationals that will be headlining the 3 day festival… If you have never been to a Jungala Festival before, then I suggest you check out my previous post and video about the event [here]. Check […]
Jungala Festival 2013 – Free Downloads

Tweet Jungala Festival 2013 brought to you by Psynopticz is just under a month away! I will be giving away a few tickets to the event closer to the time, but for now here is a free download put together by the top artists who will be blowing your minds at this years forest embargo! […]
WIN Tickets To ORIGIN Festival [closed]

Tweet If you have never been to an ORIGIN Festival before, this is without a doubt one of, if not the best party on the annual outdoor calender… They go absolutely balls to the wall with their decor, venue, stage, dance floor, stalls and camping areas. Not to mention the insane International artists they bring down each […]
Ninja Jack – Night Time Full On Psy [download]

Tweet My buddy Josh, who plays under the name NINJA JACK just posted this Full On – Night Time Psy mix and it’s up for download. I am not one for the fluffy shit, so if you dig your darker style shit give this a listen! It’s free to download, and let’s be honest, there […]

Tweet With just 6 days until the Groovy Troopers & Organik METAMORPH 5th birthday anniversary, I am sure all you PSY fiends are getting amped. My competition is still running for the next 3 days and winners will be announced on the 9th of January 2013. All you need to do to enter and WIN […]
WIN Tickets To METAMORPH [closed]

Tweet After a weekend that can only be described as UNREAL at Rezonance, we have 10 days to rest up for yet another cracker. 12 January 2013 is the Organik & Groovy Troopers production known only as METAMORPH! This year we see International artists RINKADINK, TRON and NATRON who have all played at the biggest […]
END OF THE WORLD Festival [closed]

Tweet This coming weekend marks the end of the Mayan Calendar and according to many the End Of The World as we know it. I have a feeling they were just counting down to the party with what must be the sickest line-up I have ever seen? 21.12.2012 marks the date of the End Of […]
WIN Tickets To ZONE Festival [closed]

Tweet The mechanics and kinesis of the underground are heaving and synchronised in the musical industria. A tough and grinding digital soundscape engineers our energies into a pounding machine of dance. Bodies become mechanical animals and move in locomotive fusion, to an audio agenda of the global collective. At this time we cast our eyes […]
WIN Tickets To Organik [closed]

Tweet Seeing as though I will be spending this weekend in the City with the rest of the people not going to The Village, so I thought I would give you the chance to join me next weekend at Organik – Gaian Dream! Human history is a Gaian Dream. Let your body and mind run free […]