Tweet Die Antwoord never seem to amaze me with their music video’s… Once again they have blown this one out the water with their latest release, Fatty Boom Boom! Yes they are ripping off Lady Gaga, the same chick they refused to open for after calling her music “weak, superficial shit”. The hyena’s eating from […]
DHL Delivery Run For Bloggers

Tweet I was invited to take part in the DHL half time Delivery Run at Newland’s over the weekend. I was joined by fellow bloggers @LifeIsSavage @Baydu @ThatWallace @KeeganKruger @ReesieBabyGirl @Craig_Stack and DHL runner @LeeNelson. I won;t say too much, other than the fact that I forgot the bladdy bag after getting to the try […]
Liqui-Fruit Girls: Nothing But Fruit Series

Tweet Over the next 2 weeks I will be taking you on a journey with Liqui-Fruit adverts that date back to the 80’s! But first, I want to tell you a bit about how this adventurous fruit juice brand rose to stardom: The story started 25 years ago when the brand team decided that the […]
Sky Diving For Rhino’s… Naked [video]

Tweet My buddies @JustSteveNewman and @DeneBothaSA jumped out of a plane kaal gat, all in the name of Saving The Rhino’s! In my books that’s just epic, Steve raised over R11,200 from people and brands who backed his jump! Follow them on Twitter and if you are keen to get involved in Steve’s next jump […]
Michael Jackson Is Not Dead [song]

Tweet I heard this bizarre track the other day on the radio the other day and thought I would share it with you. I see that it isn’t that new, but I am sure there are a few of you like me out there that haven’t heard it! Have a listen, it’s quite a lag!
Penelope Cruz Stars In Campari Calendar

Tweet Penelope Cruz is the leading lady in the Campari Calendar 2013. The Spanish-born beauty and award-winning Hollywood actress follows in the footsteps of some of the world’s most stunning women, who have adorned the pages of previous Campari Calendars, including Salma Hayek, Eva Mendes, Jessica Alba and Milla Jovovich. Behind The Scenes: Penelope has […]
Flying The Daisies, A Different Angle!

Tweet I think I only just recovered yesterday from Rocking The Daisies and I must say it was a fucking awesome event and even better than I expected! I caught wind of this video from my buddy who started up his own company called Darkwing – Camera Drone Cinematography. Check out this video they did […]
Steri Stumpie Unlocks A New Flavour

Tweet I was asked to participate in the launch activation of the brand new Steri Stumpie flavour that was launched to a select group of bloggers (and some lucky Steri fanatics) today. I was given a time slot and these instructions and that’s all I knew up until now really. “Be at De Waal Park […]
New Chocolate Eclair Chews

Tweet I noticed recently that Cadbury had re-launched their nostalgic Chocolate Eclair’s, re-inventing them to be more chocolatey in the centre! They actually send me an entire damn jar, which kind of got me addicted too. Now I saw in the shop the other day that they have gone one step further and added another […]
Checkers Launches New Coffee Collection

Tweet Checkers isn’t usually your first stop when you want to grab some good quality coffee. Well that has all just changed after they launched their new Coffee Collection! I got sent a bag of their new Foreign Ground brand and I am very impressed with the idea behind the brand, the taste and the […]