Tweet The Mr Price online shop went live on their website on Monday and I think this is a great move from the brand! They have incorporated web as well as mobile shopping into their site, which is awesome for South Africa, seeing as though more people access the internet with their phones in our […]
BOMBShell Feature: Aisha Dramat

Tweet One of my close female friends, Aisha, was featured on theBOMBsurf website in the BOMBShell section. It basically features hot chicks in and around my mouth South Africa with rad interviews, so the readers can get to know the girls a bit better. I have actually featured her on my blog before, see the […]
Alyssa Fisher – Cape Town Hotty

A lady can never (I repeat), NEVER own enough beautiful undergarments. Personally, the brand for me is Victoria Secret all the way! I am a sucker for nighties, lingerie and underwear (if I could walk around in them all day I would)…