I saw in my Twitter timeline today that some lucky people in Cape Town were having some kind of Lion Lager Retro evening, which I was not invited to, celebrating brands past. Having studied branding myself, this is one re-branding exercise that I will never forget!!!
Spar – New “I Only Serve Winners” Uniforms!

Charlie has created a saying that has spread across the globe, and, has now landed on the shores of SA retail outlet Spar. I must say I really like their humour! The ladies at Wendywood Spar in Jozi are #winning π
Smart Phone Challenge Billboard – Strength Of Brand Icons

My mate and one of my most loyal readers sent me in a picture of this new billboard that caught his eye outside Sea Point High School. I did a little bit of research and it looks like quite a rad little campaign…
Javier ‘Chicharito’ Hernandez – Coke Zero Advert

I remember when Wayne Rooney lead the line for Coke Zero during their launch campaign a few years back. Now they have moved on to his new Old Trafford strike partner for some exposure in the Mexican market!
Daine More – One Pixel Stroke Design Portfolio

Check out my mate, and, local DJ Daine More’s new design portfolio/blog he has created to expand the awareness about his talents. He did my logo too and included it in the branding section π Legend! Go check out www.onepixelstrokedesign.co.za to see some of his awesome work!
Vitamin Water – More Like Vitamin Slaughter!

Vitamin Water may not be the product you think it is. Coca-Cola is being sued by a non-profit public interest group, charging the giant distributor with making unwarranted health claims about Vitamin Water.
Follow Me On Twitter @ Mr_CapeTown

I am still learning about the whole Twitter world, but my account is up and running π Hopefully when I get my new phone/camera can be a bit more interesting as I will have some awesome pictures to upload and events to blog about.
Streetball β Nyanga KTC

A few months ago myself and a couple of mates were invited to come and experience a day out in Nyanga, KTC area. Sifiso told us that they are starting a new initiative to try get the youth off the street through sport and music by running a series of events on the outdoor court they created inj the KYC Township.
South Africa 2010 – A Brand Inspired By It’s People

I’m a bit sad to see the Fifa World Cup to have come and gone so quickly. But one thing is for sure, it will never be forgotten.