Tweet Over the next 2 weeks I will be taking you on a journey with Liqui-Fruit adverts that date back to the 80’s! But first, I want to tell you a bit about how this adventurous fruit juice brand rose to stardom: The story started 25 years ago when the brand team decided that the […]
Steri Stumpie Unlocks A New Flavour

Tweet I was asked to participate in the launch activation of the brand new Steri Stumpie flavour that was launched to a select group of bloggers (and some lucky Steri fanatics) today. I was given a time slot and these instructions and that’s all I knew up until now really. “Be at De Waal Park […]
New Chocolate Eclair Chews

Tweet I noticed recently that Cadbury had re-launched their nostalgic Chocolate Eclair’s, re-inventing them to be more chocolatey in the centre! They actually send me an entire damn jar, which kind of got me addicted too. Now I saw in the shop the other day that they have gone one step further and added another […]
Get On The Bus With 5 GUM

Tweet I saw some Tweets flying around the digital sphere yesterday and when I saw it was the possibility of the next 5 Gum Experience, I had to enquire.. After seeing Ettiene De Crecy LIVE at the Waterfront, I am really keen to see what is to come from the next #5GumExperience. Last week 5 […]
Savanna Cider – Adopt A Chop For Charity

Tweet Braai lovers can support fellow compatriots this Heritage Day, 24 September, by taking part in the Savanna Adopt a Chop initiative on the Savanna Facebook page. Savanna will donate one ton of meat to FoodBank, a non-profit organisation that distributes food to NGO’s nationwide. With Savanna’s donation, FoodBank will ensure that many South Africans in need will […]
The Rascals Re-Launch Fail

Tweet Did the news of the RASCALS brand re-launching with 3 new flavour offerings rustle up a bit of nostalgia in your bones? It definitely caught my eye when news broke that the legendary candy coated sweets would be hitting shelves again from July 2012! But, there is one problem with creating so much positive hype […]
First Triathlon To Be Staged On Robben Island

Tweet Robben Island Museum has granted triathletes the privilege of racing two trail triathlons in one day on Robben Island in the first ever Tri-Robben Island race on the 9th of September. Tri-Robben Island offers athletes a truly historical and prestigious experience as they spend a day on the island where Madiba spent much of his time […]
Quirk Buys Into Red & Yellow School Of Design

Tweet I saw some interesting Tweets going around yesterday from @quirkagency about a merger between them and Red & Yellow School Of Design. Having gone to AAA School Of Advertising myself, this was some pretty interesting news. AAA being partly owned by the advertising industry itself, proves that it is up there with the best […]
Sunday Times – Top Brands 2012

Tweet This year marks the 14th occasion that the highly anticipated TOP BRANDS supplement has been published in the Sunday Times. I personally look forward to this annual print to measure up my favourite and household brand against some of the other top players in each category. It works on the methodology that it analyses brand penetration the […]
Red Bull To Launch 3 New Flavours

Tweet Global energy drink market leader Red Bull is going to be releasing a host of new flavours in September which will be called Red Bull Editions! I have tasted the silver on myself a few weeks back and it wasn’t too bad at all. The 3 flavours that will be added to the current […]