Tweet In my opinion the HOTTEST babe in South Africa at the moment, Nicole Meyer like you have never seen her before! I first met this absolute beaut when she featured in the new Liqui Fruit advert a few years back, which shot her onto the International stage. If you don’t remember the advert, you […]
Behind The Scenes Of J Crew’s Latest Advert

Tweet J Crew, one of South Africa’s leading men’s fashion retailers has produced a new television advert aimed at promoting their 25% Off Men’s Shirts special offer. Accompanying the advert is an oh-so-sexy behind-the-scenes video bound to create a bit of a stir. The advert features four different models wearing little other than the crisp, […]
Column Launch – Written by: I ♥ L.M.N.O.P

It’s a pleasure to meet you all. Allow me to introduce myself. My name is I ♥ L.M.N.O.P aka that biatch Yael Lapiner, who is proud to present the first of many fashion and style news flashes flooding the pages of the most manly blog in town…Fashion is a form of wearable art. Like art, fashion and personal style becomes an expression of who a person is!
FHM Model Of The Day – Samantha Laura Kaye

My friend I met on Twitter, and, eventually in real life made the FHM Model Of The Day and I would love to help her get some more Likes and exposure. Check the pics, comment on the new gallery and go Like her FHM profile!
National Cleavage Day Competition – Vote Now!!!

Wow. I must say I have never really payed attention to cleavage day like this before!!! I decided to run a fun competition on Twitter and Facebook to see if women would actually bite, and, bite they did 😉 I would like to thank all the girls for entering and to the guys and girls reading, it takes 30 seconds to fill in your details so please vote!!! It is worth it 😉