What do you think about the reasonably new look Facebook Gallery Viewer? Comment on the article below with your thoughts π Awe
HAHA I’m sure a lot of poor okes share his view?
I must admit I don’t buy a lot of drinks other than the odd tequila or cider for a chick, but he does have a valid point. I have seen some rich Muppet’s spend R12k a night and still go home without any poozy. HAHA swak one π
iPhone vs Blackberry
Since I am working for Campsbay.com and have started blogging, I think it is time I move on from the days of the Nokia 3210 generation and join the rest of the techie generation.
Humerous β This Thursday at Psynopticz
Humerous will be dropping beats from 21h30 – 23h00: Psynopticz @ The Bang Bang Club http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=130974206936366&ref=mf