Tweet I am a huge fan of TV adverts and an even bigger fan of the Nike brand. Being a footballer and coach myself, I can tell you there is nothing like slipping on a pair of new Nike boots and cracking one into the net! I am still unfortunately donning a pair that was […]
New Sprite 1.5L Packaging

This is my first ever blog post from my Blackberry. I am not going to change how it looks, let’s hope it is not a shocker! The new sprite seem lighter, thinner and more stylish?
Bavaria Beer Commercial (NL) – Are You A Runner?

Bavaria launched an advertising campaign based around humans and their fears. Fear of losing, commitment, dying. Ask yourself this. Are you a runner, or do you face your fears? Rewards await the brave – Bavaria.
Lion Lager Retro Evening @ SAB – Celebrating Brands Past

I saw in my Twitter timeline today that some lucky people in Cape Town were having some kind of Lion Lager Retro evening, which I was not invited to, celebrating brands past. Having studied branding myself, this is one re-branding exercise that I will never forget!!!
Javier ‘Chicharito’ Hernandez – Coke Zero Advert

I remember when Wayne Rooney lead the line for Coke Zero during their launch campaign a few years back. Now they have moved on to his new Old Trafford strike partner for some exposure in the Mexican market!
Product – Mascarpone, Fresh Triple Cream Cheese!

I am a huge fan of anything that involves cooking and preparing something extraordinary for lunch/dinner in the kitchen. I don’t get around to it as much as I would like, but trust me if I had to cook for your squeezer it would be done and dusted!
Follow Me On Twitter @ Mr_CapeTown

I am still learning about the whole Twitter world, but my account is up and running 🙂 Hopefully when I get my new phone/camera can be a bit more interesting as I will have some awesome pictures to upload and events to blog about.
South Africa 2010 – A Brand Inspired By It’s People

I’m a bit sad to see the Fifa World Cup to have come and gone so quickly. But one thing is for sure, it will never be forgotten.