Tweet Everyone loves Chappies. And everyone loves the “Did You Know?” facts on the inside every Chappies wrappers. They’re a part of South African pop culture. That’s why Chappies is giving South Africans a chance to write their own Chappies facts. From 2 July, you can post your facts on our Facebook page. If yours is […]
Amigos – Tequila Flavoured Beer

Tweet If you don’t all know by now that I dig a good, cold beer on the weekend (who am I kidding actually any time I go out) well then you obviously haven’t met me. I had a taste of this Amigos tequila flavoured beer at the Cape Town Festival Of Beer last year and saw they have […]
DStv, M-Net, SABC & eTV Ban Nando’s Diversity Advert

Tweet I had a feeling this might be coming… e TV jumped on the bandwagon last night to stop showing the latest Nando’s Diversity TV advert which delivers a very strong message of Xenophobia. I thought they may be pushing the boundaries a bit with this latest release, and, after SABC banned the advert it now […]
Brilliant New Nando’s Diversity Advert

Tweet The latest release from the creative Nando’s factory… An advert which touches on the diversity in South Africa in a funny, clever way as usual! Have a watch and let me know what you think, dig the ending HAHA. The new Nando’s diversity campaign, where the flame-grilled chicken brand forces South Africans to question […]
I Featured In The Steri Stumpie 1 Litre Launch [video]

Tweet This really was the best blogger outreach drop off/campaign I have ever had! I have had quite a few in my time behind the computer as a blogger which has been such an awesome journey. It has opened doors to many brands, contacts and most importantly meeting fucking awesome new people! I have met […]
Steri Stumpie Launches New 1 Litre Milkshakes

Tweet Steri Stumpie must be one of the coolest local brands in South Africa? Well they just confirmed that position in my mind when they arrived at my house with my very own, personal disco (in a crate). I went outside to find a team of photographers, and brand activators waiting for me with can […]
Knead Bakery, Kloof Street – Bad Service

Tweet I went to try out the new(ish) KNEAD BAKERY in Kloof Street a week or two ago. In saying that, I didn’t even get further than my Fanta Orange seeing as though we walked out before eating… Initially we went to Woodland’s up in Deer Park, but they apparently work in sittings and therefore […]
Stimorol Mega Mystery – You Decide The Flavour

Tweet Stimorol SA have just launched a new campaign based around their latest product launch. Stimorol – You Decide The Flavour leaves the decisions up to us, the consumers! New Stimorol Mega Mystery is here. And they want us to decide flavour. But you’re not going to choose between boring things. Like melon or apple. No. […]
OUMA Launches Hot Cross Bun Flavour Rusks

Tweet How awesome is this product extension from The OUMA Legend!!! Look I might not be eating carbs at the moment, but OUMA is a traditional South African brand that every single one of you have tried at least once in your life! We probably know the product from dunking it in our tea or coffee in […]
World’s First Interactive Beard Growing Billboard [CPT]

Tweet I was driving through town this morning and something caught my eye. Now this I have never seen before and I thought it was worth a bit of investigating. It turns out it is actually the World’s first ever interactive beard growing billboard, right here in my very own City! Bronx Men’s Shoes, the […]