Tweet There’s an awesome new way to send a receive money between your mates, and it takes all the fuss out of banking as we know it today! Not to mention that everytime someone signs up with my code, they will get R20 into their account for FREE. The same goes for you once you […]
A Month Of Love: 14% Off Any Entertainer Product!

Tweet Celebrate a month of LOVE with Entertainer this February. If you don;t know what The Entertainer is, it’s basically the best app you’ll ever buy. It entitles you to SAVE up to R1.2 million on two-for-one deals all over the world. Whether it be fine dining, wine tasting, beauty and fitness, retail and services, […]
Entertainer 2016: Get 10% Discount!

Tweet In 2015 I saved over R4,000 on Shark Cage Diving, massages and most notably dining out with what can only be described as the best investment you will probably ever make! Over 1,540 Buy One Get One Free offers for wineries, dining, leisure, attractions, beauty, fitness and more in Cape Town, Durban, Johannesburg and Pretoria! […]
The Entertainer: WIN Five Apps [closed]

Tweet The Entertainer Cape Town 2015 Launches with New Merchants and More Value Over 900 Buy One Get One Free offers can save you ZAR 800,000 in 2015. To get your ENTERTAINER APP today for just R345 you can [click here], or if you would prefer to get the book for R395 with physical coupons for […]
Cotton On Launches Augmented Reality!

Tweet I Tweeted the other day about my self-tour of the V&A Waterfront, hoping to find a few new gems that have popped up recently. When it came to the clothing stops, there were only two that kept me browsing for longer than 5 minutes. One of them was the new Mr Price Fashion, the […]
WASHR – Laundry Pick Up And Delivery

Tweet With the amount of lazy students in Cape Town, this is definitely going to be a winner in times to come. We are all looking for ways to make our lives less of a mission, and, these guys have thrown out a helping hand for everyone who HATES doing their laundry! Packing it all, […]
Tinder: The Movie (Social Network Parody)

Tweet I won’t lie I got sucked in to downloading the app, creating a profile and swiping my life away for random chicks. Yes, I am guilty! To be honest I haven’t got that many random matches I don’t know already, and I haven’t found a pomp via the app either? WTF guys… In saying […]
FanBible – Never Miss Your Favourite Band Again!

Tweet Web and app development company, Lab19 Digital, has recently released the re-branded and updated version of its gig guide application, Fanbible – the essential companion to all live music lovers. Fanbible is a live music event guide that works on android, iPhone, iPad and desktop browsers. The application works by automatically detecting a user’s […]
Angry Birds – Star Wars Is Here!

Tweet Angry Birds has not only taken my mom, dad and brother by storm since getting iPads, but it is safe to say that it is probably the most popular game in the World by now? Guess what, it just got a whole lot more rad with the launch of their latest version… Angry Birds […]
Stimorol Mega Mystery – You Decide The Flavour

Tweet Stimorol SA have just launched a new campaign based around their latest product launch. Stimorol – You Decide The Flavour leaves the decisions up to us, the consumers! New Stimorol Mega Mystery is here. And they want us to decide flavour. But you’re not going to choose between boring things. Like melon or apple. No. […]