Tweet WOW! Just saw @WayneRooney Tweet that they diffused an alien weapon at training this morning. So as the biggest football fan on the interwebs, I naturally clicked on the link. And my word, it was even better than I expected! I am not going to say much, if you enjoy good adverts, media, technology […]
Brilliant New Bell’s TV Ad – The Reader

Tweet Being a loyal Bell’s drinker myself, having grown up nipping it from my mom’s cabinet, all I can say is GET THESE GUYS A BELL’S!!! A saying that was coined by the brand way back when, it’s become a saying South African’s use to appreciate greatness. It’s a proper tear jerker this new advert […]
Silver Slipstreams ft Kloof Neck Skater

Tweet If you don’t know who “The Kloof Neck Skater” is by now, well then you must be living under a rock, or in a remote cave without internet connectivity. My buddy Dec’io made the papers a while back for setting off the speed camera on Kloof Neck road, much to the delight of Helen […]
2012 Face Of Liqui-Fruit: Nicole Meyer [advert]

Tweet I think I am in love… Liqui-Fruit have just launched their brand new “Lost Tribe” television commercial with this absolute stunner! Twenty one year old Capetonian, Nicole Meyer, has been selected as the new face of Liqui-Fruit, following in the footsteps of other well-known girls including Lushano Kuhn, Tanya Eloff, Rue Essop and Tracy McGregor. How […]
Liqui-Fruit Girls Series [2000’s]

Tweet After seeing the Liqui-Fruit Girls and adverts over the past 2 weeks on my blog, it’s time for the third instalment of my nostalgic trip down Nothing But Fruit lane… Next up we have the Liqui-Fruit girl from the millennium era, aka the 200’s! This one features none other than Rue Essop in the desert fantasy – as […]
Liqui-Fruit Girls Series [1990’s]

Tweet If you are a regular reader of my blog, you will have noticed I am doing a series of adverts which showcase a Liqui-Fruit girl from each generation! I started last week with their first ever Nothing But Fruit advert starring Lushano Kuhn, who was the Liqui-Fruit girl of the 1980’s. You can check […]
Liqui-Fruit Girls: Nothing But Fruit Series

Tweet Over the next 2 weeks I will be taking you on a journey with Liqui-Fruit adverts that date back to the 80’s! But first, I want to tell you a bit about how this adventurous fruit juice brand rose to stardom: The story started 25 years ago when the brand team decided that the […]
DStv, M-Net, SABC & eTV Ban Nando’s Diversity Advert

Tweet I had a feeling this might be coming… e TV jumped on the bandwagon last night to stop showing the latest Nando’s Diversity TV advert which delivers a very strong message of Xenophobia. I thought they may be pushing the boundaries a bit with this latest release, and, after SABC banned the advert it now […]
Mullets And Bakkies [hilarious must watch]

Tweet I was send this amazing clip of the china talking about his awesome new bakkie, boet… Now this isn’t your conventional bakkie advert talking about versatility and durability, but rather a side we are likely to find in the high veld!!! I don;t know where you actually find these creatures, but definitely not in […]
Funny Toyota FJ Cruiser Advert [video]

Tweet I have been seeing this new Toyota FJ Cruiser around Cape Town more and more with my pops lately and he told me there is an awesome advert out about it! He actually couldn’t stop himself from laughing about it when he was telling me, so I checked it out… He was right, it […]