If you follow me on Twitter [here] or Like my Facebook Page [here] you will remember I did the SleekGeek SA #REBOOT 30 day detox in August last year. If not, it’s basically the best thing I did all year. I have Elan (the founder) to thank for introducing me to this awesome initiative! I lost 5kg’s in 30 days and although it was tough in the first weeks, it was well worth it when I saw the results!
After a long Summer season in The Mother City, it’s about that time again when flu sets in, weight needs to be monitored and your health kicks up to the top of the pile. I am going to be doing the SleekGeek #RebootME challenge again soon and I would love some of you who are looking to shed a few pounds to join me! If this isn’t your kind of thing, no stress, grab that cheese burger and get back to business. If you are looking to keep in shape over the Winter, when so many people fall off the wagon, here’s the deal!
Basically it’s a month of no added sugars, no alcohol, no grains or starch, no legumes, no dairy, no white potatoes and a shit load of water! You are probably thinking… what the fuck can we eat then? You will get your (good) carbs from loads of veggies, some fruit and the energy your body needs from healthy fats! I will post some cool recipe’s and products that can help the pasta lovers get through, no carb noodles are actually a thing… Chicken, fish, red meat, ostrich, avo, fruit, vegetables, eggs, coconut, almonds and biltong are some of the things you can mess around with to create great tasting meals!