Just chilling at my mate @BarryHayman here and looking at his computer screen. I noticed his Facebook chat still looks like it used to, before they stuffed up yet another majorly popular component of their super system. I am actually still hanging so I am not going to beat around the bush here. Click on the crack which my bra @RickySimon87 deserves credit for finding.

It may take a few minutes to start working, but once it does you will thank me. Oh and enjoy the funny little message that pops up before the chat list!
It will sort your chat into it’s old format, putting all the people who are online at the top of the list, leaving the in-active ones below with the idol symbol. Oh one more thing, you have to be using Google Crome for it to work. Just download it, I actually made the change over recently myself. I prefer the @TweetDeck on Crome, over the desktop version so the change was inevitable. Quite enjoying it!
Get Your Old Facebook Chat Back – Click Here