At least it was a single…The log, not the whisky ๐
Noise Complaints – What Are The Actual Laws?

If anyone knows anything about noise pollution and the laws about noise in a residential area, please be so kind as to fill me in. I am dying here with this muppet playing this shite next door…Somebody HELP me!!!
Just encountered this sniper at Tempe Military Base in Bloem

The residents of Scarborough, Cape Town are lucky the baboons they are killing don’t have this bra behind them…
Have a Lag

I have no idea what you call these picture scenario’s, but hell I really enjoy some of them. I have seen a lot in my time and here are a few you may not have seen which my brother just emailed me. The Will Farell one ends it for me, make his circle Bieber!
3 Bongs 1 Breath

Check this one out. I don’t really think it is THAT much bud he is consuming, but most red eyed rookers would find themselves struggling to clear the chamber on that last one…
Some Afrikaans slang exposed…

Vaalie – One from the wrong (Northern) side of the River Vaal. Distinguished by being surgically attached to their BMW keyrings, Vaalies are the ones who’d rather live in an oxygen-free smog-drenched crime-fest than reduce their consumption of hair products and fake nails [prounounced. “naaaay-uhls”].
The end of an era…LOL

We thought it would be a while before this Ridge-back got locked down again after he got Shell shocked, not only by Kinnear!
Cape Town Whale – VIDEO FOOTAGE

The 32 foot vessel was breached by the 40 ton beast, snapping the intrepid mast in 2, whilst causing quite a scare to the couple on board!
21st Century Drunk

This got an extremely high amount of hits, went around quite a few friendship circles…Causing a few waves along the way, when the guy in the video got bleek with another mate who uploaded it…His 21st. Lots of Tequila. Watch and you tell me ๐