Valentines Day is great for the ladies and all, but seriously, how much is really spent on, and, leading up to the magical day? I am guessing it is in the millions… I am actually writing my first blog post with Word Press, on my BlackBerry. But I will leave that research up to Raven from MyCityByNight, as she seems to be the champion in that sector π

If she is this demanding, you have got no hope. You are going to get cornered just like this poor geyser!
Almost everywhere you go for the two weeks leading up to the ‘big day’ you will either see, hear, feel, touch or even smell something that has to do with Valentines. Don’t forget all the roses that were sent from school to school from friends, lovers and paedophile teachers… One has to only but wonder what the monstrous marketing and advertising costs must be to companies all over SA too? From Radio,TV and print media, all the way to in store displays, gift packs, online campaigns and even specialised toys! Like those gay love bears that record people’s messages. “I Love you my Buppies”, ya you get the idea! Shopping Centres, Chemists, Retail outlets and even accommodation companies use the Valentines as a pull tactic π

They wanna be kissed like a rose...Watch out for their 'thorns' ladies, they drive a hard bargain π
Let’s face it women love getting pampered, and, I’m sorry to admit it but men like getting laid! So to all the ladies out there that wanna feel special on Valentines day, I suggest you start putting in some eye work and lay some foundations. I know that many okes couldnty even care less. Kinda like me. But I still enjoy getting a rose, or a used tampon or something sweet! Guys as for you, pick them wisely. Some enjoy the pampering, but live by the sword and don’t offer happy endings π sigh…

Window displays and point of sale material are vital promotional tools during the Valentine's period!
P.S If the spacing and pictures are a bit weird and not in correct proportion please forgive me, as I said it is my first post using WP on my Blackberry!
Posted with WordPress for BlackBerry.